Growing Free & Living Congregations
We are members of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC). The AFLC is a cooperative effort of like-minded Lutheran congregations who desire to proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ to the world.
We believe that the congregation is the right form of the Kingdom of God on earth, with no authority above it besides the Word of God and the Spirit of God (2 Corinthians 3:17).
Free Lutheran Bible College
There is nothing more practical for the Christian life than a solid understanding of God’s Word. At FLBC, you’ll be prepared to handle attacks on your Christian faith. You’ll be equipped for future schooling and whatever career you choose. FLBC is a two-year Bible college designed to help students know and understand God’s Word and apply it to their lives.
World Missions
The good news of Jesus Christ is for every tribe, nation, and tongue. By God’s grace, our missionaries go and serve others for the sake of the Gospel by proclaiming the love of Jesus in both word and deed, and by establishing new local churches. We support missionaries around the world who are equipping believers by Word and Spirit.
AFLC Youth Ministry
AFLC Youth Ministries encourages local congregations to WIN teens to Christ, to BUILD teen believers in God’s truth and love, to EQUIP teen workers to live and share their faith, and to MULTIPLY maturing disciples in Jesus Christ. FLY is a national youth convention held every two years at The YMCA of the Rockies located in Estes, Park, CO.
Ambassador Publications
Ambassador Publications exists to publish biblical educational and devotional resources to encourage diligent and faithful teaching of the Word of God in homes and churches. We believe the faithful application of Lutheran theology will result in biblical, personal, living Christianity.