Pastor Kyle Smith
Pastor Kyle Smith was born and raised in Minnesota and decided to attend the Free Lutheran Bible College after high school. While attending the Bible College, he started to sense God calling him to be a pastor. However, Pastor Smith wasn’t too interested, so he decided to be a youth director instead. God kept working on Pastor Smith and through various events, Pastor Smith finally decided to answer the call to train to be a pastor and enrolled at the Free Lutheran Seminary in Plymouth, MN.
After serving a one year internship in the twin cities, the time of interviewing at various churches arrived. Thankfully God made it abundantly clear to both Pastor Smith and his wife, Alicia, that God, through First Lutheran Church, was calling them to Ellendale. One thing Pastor Smith noticed right away about First Lutheran is how the church is a family. The church has a desire to grow that family and for others to come to a saving faith in Jesus!